A 45-second video which shows a gargoyle climbing a church has gone viral. Hindi speaking social media users have claimed that the video is from Italy and asked, “Is this an attack on Christianity by Islamic forces? [Translated from क्या यह किरिसचानिटी पर इस्लाम के गलबे का गैबी इशारा नहीं है।?]” The video has a watermark of ‘JJPD Producciones’ on the top right corner.
A Facebook user shared the viral video and made the above-mentioned claim.
इटली के एक चर्च पर चढ़ कर इस अजीब व गरीब परिंदे ने स्लेब( क्रास ) पर बैठकर अपने परों से हिलाल की शकल बनाई और उड गया. क्या यह किरिसचानिटी पर इस्लाम के गलबे का गैबी इशारा नहीं है।? जिसको या वीडियो फोटोशॉप लगे गा तो fact चेक करवा लेना फिर कमेंट करना ठीक है
Posted by Samir Ahmad on Sunday, 22 March 2020
Several other users posted the viral video on Facebook.
Alt News has received several requests to fact-check the images on WhatsApp (+91 76000 11160) and on our official Android application.
Alt News searched the keywords ‘JJPD Producciones’ on YouTube and found a channel by the same name. The channel uploaded the viral video on June 3, 2019. The title of the video reads “Demon Terrifies in Granada City – Nicaragua 2019 – Gargoyle? [Translated from Demonio Aterroriza en Ciudad de Granada – Nicaragua 2019 – Gargola?]”
It turns out, JJPD Producciones has posted several videos similar to the viral video. According to the channel’s ‘About’ section, JJPD Productions is run by two brothers from Nicaragua. They make horror videos specialising in paranormal encounters using special effects.
On September 2019, the outlet uploaded a video on YouTube which shows how the gargoyle was digitally created.
Therefore, social media claim about the video is false.