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Police Budgets Are Ballooning as Social Programs Crumble – Cities across the country have defied demands from protesters to defund police despite facing huge budget deficits from Covid-19.

Faced with mass teacher lay­offs, deep cuts to edu­ca­tion and social ser­vices, and a loom­ing evic­tion cri­sis, police bud­gets across the nation remain absurd­ly high and have been large­ly insu­lat­ed from Covid-induced belt-tight­en­ing. Worse yet, a num­ber cities have opt­ed to increase police bud­gets, claim­ing the funds are need­ed to pay for reforms. This is despite the fact that racial jus­tice pro­test­ers across the coun­try are clear­ly call­ing for the defund­ing of police — a demand that stems from abo­li­tion­ist prin­ci­ples. Bud­get cuts are seen as part of a process of dis­man­tling pris­ons and polic­ing while invest­ing in com­mu­ni­ty alter­na­tives and social goods, in order to reimag­ine pub­lic safety.

The expansion of the security state, as the welfare state shrivels, is the product of decades of policy.

In Phoenix where activists demand­ed a 25% cut in the police bud­get, the city vot­ed on a $24 mil­lion increase to the depart­ment for the upcom­ing fis­cal year, even as the city antic­i­pates a $26 mil­lion bud­get deficit over the same peri­od. The Phoenix Police Department’s $592 mil­lion annu­al bud­get will account for over 40% of the city’s dis­cre­tionary funds, with $3 mil­lion going to a new police over­sight agency. Reject­ing res­i­dents’ calls to cut police spend­ing, San Diego increased its annu­al police bud­get by $27 mil­lion to $566 mil­lion. The depart­ment will account for about a third of the city’s gen­er­al fund and will cre­ate a new Office of Race and Equi­ty. In Louisville, Ky., where Bre­on­na Tay­lor was shot by police in her bed after offi­cers enforced a no-knock war­rant, the city has decid­ed to increase the annu­al police bud­get by three-quar­ters of a mil­lion dol­lars, while claim­ing to fun­nel resources into reforms like a civil­ian review board. The deci­sion fol­lowed demands to cut $100 mil­lion from law enforce­ment and rein­vest in social ser­vices. Mean­while, the Louisville City School Dis­trict has approved $1.35 mil­lion in cuts to edu­ca­tion and has already laid off 32 employ­ees. Sim­i­lar­ly, Atlanta increased its police bud­get by $14 mil­lion as Geor­gia cut over $1 bil­lion in edu­ca­tion and 4% of the state’s health­care bud­get. Hous­ton, Kansas City, Nashville and Tul­sa have also increased fund­ing to police in the upcom­ing year’s city budgets.

Tracey Corder, the cam­paign coor­di­na­tor on polic­ing work at the Action Cen­ter on Race and the Econ­o­my, is not pleased with this trend. ​We know that bud­gets are moral doc­u­ments. They reflect pri­or­i­ties,” says Corder. ​I think it is not only back­wards, but it’s also a lit­tle cow­ard­ly, if we’re being hon­est, to take this moment and decide that we are going to invest in more polic­ing and not in the real things that com­mu­ni­ties are call­ing for that we know actu­al­ly make peo­ple safe.”

On aver­age, rough­ly a third of city and town gen­er­al funds, which are dis­cre­tionary and large­ly made up of prop­er­ty tax­es, are devot­ed to police depart­ments, which often account for the largest bud­get item, accord­ing to an analy­sis by Sludge. In cities like Oak­land, Calif. and Mil­wau­kee, Wis., police bud­gets are clos­er to 45%. Glob­al­ly, the Unit­ed States spends $115 bil­lion on police annu­al­ly, a num­ber that is greater than Sau­di Arabia’s entire annu­al defense budget.

Edu­ca­tion bud­gets have not fared as well. Since the start of the pan­dem­ic, ​edu­ca­tion jobs have account­ed for near­ly two-thirds of the decline in state and local gov­ern­ment employ­ment,” accord­ing to an analy­sis by Pew Research Cen­ter. The Nation­al Edu­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tion warns that with­out addi­tion­al fed­er­al fund­ing, ​the coun­try is pro­ject­ed to lose 1.9 mil­lion edu­ca­tion jobs — approx­i­mate­ly one-fifth of the work­force that pow­ers pub­lic schools and pub­lic col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties.” High­er edu­ca­tion, which is depen­dent on tuition for fund­ing, still has not recov­ered from the Great Reces­sion, and now faces lost rev­enue from both few­er enroll­ments and less pub­lic fund­ing. We face the prospect of hun­dreds of col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties clos­ing permanently.

These cuts extend beyond edu­ca­tion. Pub­lic ser­vices — from health­care to social secu­ri­ty to afford­able hous­ing — are bear­ing the brunt of aus­ter­i­ty mea­sures while over20 mil­lion renters are at risk of evic­tion by the end of Sep­tem­ber, with mil­lions more new­ly unem­ployed and with­out insur­ance. With a fed­er­al gov­ern­ment relin­quish­ing its respon­si­bil­i­ties to ensure basic state func­tions like pub­lic health, edu­ca­tion or fair elec­tions, many have asked whether the Unit­ed States has turned into a failed state.

The prod­uct of long-stand­ing policy

The expan­sion of the secu­ri­ty state, as the wel­fare state shriv­els, is the prod­uct of decades of pol­i­cy. Over the last 50 years, with the war on crime and the rise of law-and-order poli­cies, police bud­gets have risen con­sid­er­ably even as cities grew safer, with experts say­ing they found no cor­re­la­tion between police spend­ing and crime rates. High police bud­gets cor­re­spond with cities that are high­ly seg­re­gat­ed and have large Black pop­u­la­tions; poor­er cities tend to ded­i­cate a high­er share of their bud­gets on police inde­pen­dent of crime rates, accord­ing to a Sludge analy­sis.

One thing we can take away from the 2008 reces­sion is that bud­get cuts and lay­offs will dis­pro­por­tion­ate­ly affect pub­lic edu­ca­tion. In the decade that fol­lowed the Great Reces­sion, medi­an per capi­ta spend­ing on police dropped and then rose even as medi­an per capi­ta spend­ing on hous­ing and com­mu­ni­ty devel­op­ment, pub­lic wel­fare and edu­ca­tion fell in the 150 largest U.S. cities. Social ser­vices still have not recov­ered to their pre-reces­sion levels.

Police bud­get cuts have main­ly been the result of sus­tained and over­whelm­ing grass­roots pres­sure to defund police and invest in com­mu­ni­ties. How­ev­er, even in a num­ber of cities that have announced cuts to police depart­ments, bud­gets will remain the same or even increase. News out­lets recent­ly claimed Wash­ing­ton, D.C. ​cut,” ​defund­ed,” ​stripped,” ​slashed” the police bud­get by $15 mil­lion — but it’s still an addi­tion­al $3 mil­lion in fund­ing from the year before, an amount that slight­ly exceeds infla­tion. In Los Ange­les and Philadel­phia, defund­ing the police meant can­celling pro­posed increas­es, essen­tial­ly keep­ing the bud­get untouched.

Even ​cuts” do not defund the police

Even where activists have man­aged to win con­ces­sions on bud­getary cuts, there is still a long road ahead to real­iz­ing large-scale divest­ment from polic­ing. The $1 bil­lion cut New York City recent­ly approved to its near­ly $6 bil­lion police bud­get, upon fur­ther inspec­tion, was deemed to be the result of what Rep. Alexan­dria Oca­sio-Cortez called ​fun­ny math” and the New York Times referred to as abud­getary sleight of hand.” Over $300 mil­lion worth of ​cuts” were account­ed for by mov­ing school safe­ty offi­cers from the NYPD bud­get to the New York City Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion despite demands from stu­dents and orga­niz­ers to remove cops from schools entire­ly. The school safe­ty pro­gram will remain part of the NYPD until next year and receive a 2% increase in fund­ing. In addi­tion, $134 mil­lion in fringe ben­e­fits asso­ci­at­ed with school safe­ty offi­cers is being count­ed towards the $1 bil­lion fig­ure, so it’s clos­er to $866 million.

New York City’s oth­er bud­get cuts include $65 mil­lion from a pro­gram that sub­si­dizes pub­lic tran­sit to low-income New York­ers, a 40% reduc­tion in fund­ing for afford­able hous­ing, a near­ly 70% cut in arts edu­ca­tion, $182 mil­lion from the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion, and $20 mil­lion from the City Uni­ver­si­ty of New York, where 2,800 adjunct pro­fes­sors and part-time staff mem­bers have already been laid off. Hir­ing freezes have been imposed on teach­ers and a num­ber of agen­cies across the city, exclud­ing police. At the state lev­el, Gov. Andrew Cuo­mo cut $1.1 bil­lion — the exact amount received from the CARES Act — to K‑12 education.

Though the NYPD rep­re­sents less than 6% of the city’s bud­get, the depart­ment is noto­ri­ous for its racism and bru­tal­i­ty through pro­grams like ​stop and frisk,” as well as the tar­get­ing and sur­veil­lance of Mus­lim New York­ers. Addi­tion­al­ly, Rik­ers Island has become syn­ony­mous with the worst excess­es of the carcer­al state. Despite this real­i­ty, the city spends an aver­age of $337,524per incar­cer­at­ed per­son at Rik­ers annu­al­ly while spend­ing around $30,000 per stu­dent. As one of the wealth­i­est cities in the world, the prob­lem here is not fund­ing, but priorities.

That elect­ed offi­cials have to be fought tooth and nail to fund social goods while police depart­ments remain large­ly shield­ed from the finan­cial crises that are tear­ing apart our social safe­ty net is a tes­ta­ment to a state that has cho­sen war­fare over welfare. 

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Indigo Olivier | Radio Free (2020-07-22T21:27:00+00:00) Police Budgets Are Ballooning as Social Programs Crumble – Cities across the country have defied demands from protesters to defund police despite facing huge budget deficits from Covid-19.. Retrieved from

" » Police Budgets Are Ballooning as Social Programs Crumble – Cities across the country have defied demands from protesters to defund police despite facing huge budget deficits from Covid-19.." Indigo Olivier | Radio Free - Wednesday July 22, 2020,
Indigo Olivier | Radio Free Wednesday July 22, 2020 » Police Budgets Are Ballooning as Social Programs Crumble – Cities across the country have defied demands from protesters to defund police despite facing huge budget deficits from Covid-19.., viewed ,<>
Indigo Olivier | Radio Free - » Police Budgets Are Ballooning as Social Programs Crumble – Cities across the country have defied demands from protesters to defund police despite facing huge budget deficits from Covid-19.. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from:
" » Police Budgets Are Ballooning as Social Programs Crumble – Cities across the country have defied demands from protesters to defund police despite facing huge budget deficits from Covid-19.." Indigo Olivier | Radio Free - Accessed .
" » Police Budgets Are Ballooning as Social Programs Crumble – Cities across the country have defied demands from protesters to defund police despite facing huge budget deficits from Covid-19.." Indigo Olivier | Radio Free [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
» Police Budgets Are Ballooning as Social Programs Crumble – Cities across the country have defied demands from protesters to defund police despite facing huge budget deficits from Covid-19. | Indigo Olivier | Radio Free | |

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