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Between Dwindling Revenue and Rising Virus Cases, Rural Hospitals Face a Reckoning –

If you were already in a very thin mar­gin, and you lose a lot of your oper­at­ing rev­enue because you’re mak­ing space and per­son­nel avail­able — and then you’re not using them — it’s pret­ty pow­er­ful log­ic that you’re in big trou­ble,” said Kei­th Mueller, direc­tor of the RUPRI Cen­ter for Rur­al Health Pol­i­cy Analy­sis at Uni­ver­si­ty of Iowa.

Pan­dem­ic-relat­ed fed­er­al mon­ey has helped strug­gling rur­al hos­pi­tals stay afloat. But as Con­gress con­sid­ers addi­tion­al aid this month, advo­cates and pol­i­cy­mak­ers would like to move beyond stop­gap mea­sures to change the hos­pi­tals’ long-term trajectory.

We’re due for reck­on­ing in our rur­al hos­pi­tal pol­i­cy,” said Ge Bai, asso­ciate pro­fes­sor of health pol­i­cy and man­age­ment at the Johns Hop­kins Bloomberg School of Pub­lic Health in Baltimore.

As the pan­dem­ic per­sists, it’s unclear how long strug­gling rur­al hos­pi­tals can hang on.

Rur­al hos­pi­tals have long been fight­ing for their sur­vival. Since 2010, 128 rur­al hos­pi­tals have closed, includ­ing a record 18 hos­pi­tals last year. Even more rur­al hos­pi­tals were on track to shut down this year until Con­gress in March approved $100 bil­lion to health care providers in the CARES Act. The sup­port includ­ed $10 bil­lion in tar­get­ed fund­ing that was allo­cat­ed based on oper­at­ing expens­es before Covid-19.

Ear­li­er this month, the U.S. Health and Human Ser­vices Depart­ment announced anoth­er $1 bil­lion tar­get­ed to cer­tain hos­pi­tals that serve rur­al populations.

The CARES Act sup­port was intend­ed to make hos­pi­tals whole because of lost rev­enue. It was not meant to bol­ster rur­al hos­pi­tals who already were in ter­ri­ble shape, accord­ing to experts. Yet ​as healthy patients delay care and can­cel elec­tive ser­vices, rur­al hos­pi­tals are strug­gling to keep their doors open,” the Health Depart­ment said in dis­trib­ut­ing the fund­ing.

Addi­tion­al fed­er­al help came in $75 bil­lion from the Pay­check Pro­tec­tion Pro­gram, which pro­vides for­giv­able loans used for pay­roll costs, $150 mil­lion in Small Rur­al Hos­pi­tal Improve­ment grants to sup­port Covid-19 activ­i­ties and increased Medicare pay­ments for treat­ing Covid-19 patients.

At Bibb Med­ical Cen­ter in Cen­tre­ville, Alaba­ma, sta­tions with per­son­al pro­tec­tive equip­ment, known col­lec­tive­ly as PPE, are set up out­side iso­la­tion rooms, includ­ing a nine-bed Covid-19 unit. The cen­ter is func­tion­ing as a step-down facil­i­ty for Covid-19 and oth­er patients who aren’t well enough to return home but don’t need the lev­el of care pro­vid­ed by a ter­tiary hos­pi­tal. It’s fair­ly qui­et giv­en lim­its on vis­i­ta­tion, said CEO Joseph Marchant.

The con­tin­ued chal­lenge for the rur­al facil­i­ties is just under­stand­ing while there’s been some fund­ing pro­vid­ed ear­ly on, we real­ly feel like these chal­lenges are going to go on for quite a while,” Marchant said. ​We hope this sup­port con­tin­ues to help some of these facil­i­ties that are operating.” 

A Slow Recovery

Hos­pi­tal loss­es may far out­weigh fed­er­al relief. The Amer­i­can Hos­pi­tal Asso­ci­a­tion esti­mates hos­pi­tals and health sys­tems lost $202.6 bil­lion between March and June and are pro­ject­ed to lose an addi­tion­al $120.5 bil­lion through the end of 2020. The slow recov­ery of inpa­tient and out­pa­tient vol­umes adds to the strain.

The association’s find­ings are based on an elec­tron­ic sur­vey rep­re­sent­ing 1,360 mem­ber hos­pi­tals across 48 states and Wash­ing­ton, D.C. Rur­al hos­pi­tals and health care sys­tems rep­re­sent­ed about one-third of respondents.

When you add Covid, there’s no ques­tion that the tar­get­ed rur­al fund­ing with the oth­er CARES Act fund­ing has helped, but we’ve not cov­ered at this point the cost of lost rev­enue, nor the expens­es asso­ci­at­ed with Covid,” said Dr. Don­ald Williamson, pres­i­dent and CEO of the Alaba­ma Hos­pi­tal Association.

Rur­al hos­pi­tals are buy­ing N95 masks, gowns and oth­er PPE that are being used with all patients regard­less of Covid-19 sta­tus. The addi­tion­al costs cut fur­ther into their already thin mar­gins. Before the pan­dem­ic, 47% of rur­al providers oper­at­ed in the red.

So far this year, 12 rur­al hos­pi­tals have closed across the coun­try, includ­ing four in April before they could ben­e­fit from fed­er­al support. 

Texas leads the coun­try in rur­al hos­pi­tal clo­sures. Rough­ly half of the state’s rur­al hos­pi­tals are con­sid­ered vul­ner­a­ble, accord­ing to the Char­tis Group, a health­care ana­lyt­ics firm. Pri­or to the fed­er­al relief, John Hen­der­son, pres­i­dent and CEO of the Texas Orga­ni­za­tion of Rur­al and Com­mu­ni­ty Hos­pi­tals (TORCH), wor­ried that the pan­dem­ic would force any­where from six to 12 rur­al Texas hos­pi­tals to shut­ter this year. 

No doubt when this thing’s over, if we don’t reimag­ine the way we take care of peo­ple and the way we fund ser­vices, rur­al hos­pi­tals will still have chal­lenges,” Hen­der­son said.

Try­ing Times

To pre­pare for a surge in Covid-19 patients, many states required that hos­pi­tals sus­pend or reduce elec­tive surg­eries, such as prof­itable knee or hip replace­ments, or post­pone or divert patients to a dif­fer­ent clin­i­cal environment.

All hos­pi­tals suf­fered when they respond­ed imme­di­ate­ly to the request to try to flat­ten the curve of the pan­dem­ic by essen­tial­ly shut­ting down every way you make mon­ey,” said Peg­gy Wheel­er, vice pres­i­dent of rur­al health and gov­er­nance at the Cal­i­for­nia Hos­pi­tal Association.

Out­pa­tient care accounts for 50 – 70% of rur­al hos­pi­tals’ income, said Mag­gie Ele­hwany, gov­ern­ment affairs and pol­i­cy vice pres­i­dent at the Nation­al Rur­al Health Asso­ci­a­tion. Some hos­pi­tals in rur­al and small­er met­ro­pol­i­tan areas have fur­loughed employ­ees to main­tain finan­cial stability.

Williamson in Alaba­ma is brac­ing for the pos­si­bil­i­ty hos­pi­tals will once again reduce elec­tive pro­ce­dures as new cas­es rise.

Over the past month, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Repub­li­can, has reversed course. After allow­ing pro­ce­dures to return in the spring, he again sus­pend­ed them in most of the state with the excep­tion of pro­ce­dures deemed press­ing and ​med­ical­ly necessary.”

The try­ing times will be the next few weeks to get through the surge,” said Kel­ly Cheek, pres­i­dent of the Texas Rur­al Health Asso­ci­a­tion board of directors.

Most rur­al hos­pi­tals say they are in good shape with regard to PPE, said Hen­der­son with TORCH.

There’s sig­nif­i­cant bed capac­i­ty in rur­al Texas,” Hen­der­son said, ​but there aren’t nurs­es and there aren’t ventilators.”

Staffing is anoth­er chal­lenge. Short­ages prompt­ed Med­ical Cen­ter Health Sys­tem, a 403-bed facil­i­ty with mul­ti­ple clin­ics through­out Odessa and serv­ing 17 West Texas coun­ties, to decline trans­fer patients ear­li­er this month from region­al hos­pi­tals out­side of Ector Coun­ty. Between 40 and 50 staff are cur­rent­ly out because they’re quar­an­ti­ning at home with the virus or have a fam­i­ly mem­ber who’s pos­i­tive. The hos­pi­tal announced last week that one of its employ­ees died after con­tract­ing the virus.

The cen­ter has week­ly calls with its rur­al part­ner hos­pi­tals to share infor­ma­tion and resources. While the hos­pi­tals would typ­i­cal­ly send their sick­est patients to the trans­fer facil­i­ty, Med­ical Cen­ter Health Sys­tem is coun­sel­ing some of the small­er hos­pi­tals to retain patients instead, said CEO Rus­sell Tippin.

We’re just try­ing to keep our beds open for the sick­est of the sick,” Tip­pin said. ​When those small hos­pi­tals have sick peo­ple — and no doubt they’re sick — I think our job as the region­al trans­fer facil­i­ty is to work with them and help them gain skills and confidence.”

For small­er hos­pi­tals, treat­ing Covid-19 is forc­ing doc­tors into new, often dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tions, Tip­pin added. ​For all my friends in the rur­al areas, I know they’re scared,” he said. ​They’re hav­ing to get out of their com­fort zones, but they are pro­vid­ing the same care we are providing.”

In Texas’ Covid-19 hotspots, such as Hidal­go Coun­ty on the Mex­i­co bor­der clos­er to the Gulf Coast, hos­pi­tals have strug­gled to find beds for new patients.

Ear­li­er this week, Mis­sis­sip­pi’s state health direc­tor warned that hos­pi­tal­iza­tions are on the verge of push­ing the sys­tem over capac­i­ty. On Mon­day, there were nine hos­pi­tals with zero inten­sive care unit beds statewide, said Dr. Thomas Dobbs, and one bed avail­able among the four largest med­ical cen­ters in the Jack­son-met­ro­pol­i­tan area.

Prepar­ing for a rush of Covid-19 patients has been cost­ly to rur­al Penn­syl­va­nia hos­pi­tals that invest­ed in PPE and cut back on out­pa­tient ser­vices and elec­tive surgeries.

They’re not see­ing large num­bers of Covid-19-pos­i­tive or poten­tial­ly pos­i­tive patients, said Lisa Davis, direc­tor of the Penn­syl­va­nia Office of Rur­al Health. Many patients who test pos­i­tive are being sent home to recov­er. Mean­while, most inpa­tient stays come in as a result of an emer­gency depart­ment vis­it, and few­er peo­ple are being treat­ed. As a result, hos­pi­tals are ​a lit­tle bit emp­ty,” Davis said.

To stay alive, they need patients in the beds,” said Ger­ard Ander­son, pro­fes­sor of health pol­i­cy and man­age­ment at the Johns Hop­kins Uni­ver­si­ty Bloomberg School of Pub­lic Health.

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April Simpson | Radio Free (2020-07-25T01:15:00+00:00) Between Dwindling Revenue and Rising Virus Cases, Rural Hospitals Face a Reckoning –. Retrieved from

" » Between Dwindling Revenue and Rising Virus Cases, Rural Hospitals Face a Reckoning –." April Simpson | Radio Free - Saturday July 25, 2020,
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