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Sorry Sonny: National Forests Are Not Crops – Secretary of Agriculture Perdue has prioritized logging, mining and grazing on the National Forests that shelter many threatened species.

Trump’s Agri­cul­ture Sec­re­tary Son­ny Per­due flew into Mis­soula on June 12 to sign a mem­o­ran­dum direct­ing the U.S. For­est Ser­vice to essen­tial­ly dou­ble-down on its con­tin­ued push to pri­or­i­tize log­ging, min­ing, drilling and graz­ing, all while lim­it­ing envi­ron­men­tal reviews. Dur­ing the cam­paign-style sign­ing event, Sec­re­tary Per­due — a for­mer agribusi­ness CEO whose pre­vi­ous polit­i­cal cam­paigns were bankrolled by Mon­san­to and Big Ag inter­ests — not only bragged that ​we see trees as a crop,” but also iron­i­cal­ly com­pared America’s bedrock envi­ron­men­tal laws to ​bub­ble wrap.” Appar­ent­ly it was lost on Sec­re­tary Per­due that bub­ble wrap pro­tects valu­able things from being destroyed.

Miss­ing from the secretary’s state­ments was any recog­ni­tion that America’s nation­al forests, 193 mil­lion acres in all, are actu­al­ly diverse ecosys­tems that are home to hun­dreds of imper­iled fish and wildlife species, and con­tain the last rem­nants of wild­lands in this coun­try that mil­lions of peo­ple cher­ish. The sec­re­tary failed to men­tion how numer­ous com­mu­ni­ties rely on nation­al forests to pro­vide clean drink­ing water, or the fact that intact forests do more to remove atmos­pher­ic car­bon than do stumps. In fact, nation­al forests have a cru­cial role to play as part of glob­al, nat­ur­al cli­mate change solutions.

Return­ing to the past, when resource extrac­tion and exploita­tion ruled the land is hard­ly a blue­print for the future. Yet, this is exact­ly what the sec­re­tary ordered and what the Trump admin­is­tra­tion has been pur­su­ing from day one. In fact, Perdue’s mem­o­ran­dum came on the heels of two recent Trump exec­u­tive orders allow­ing indus­try and fed­er­al agen­cies to waive com­pli­ance with long-stand­ing envi­ron­men­tal laws that safe­guard fish and wildlife. These orders fol­low Trump’s whole­sale rolling back of rules requir­ing fed­er­al agen­cies to involve the pub­lic, take a hard look at the envi­ron­men­tal con­se­quences of its actions, and con­sid­er alternatives.

A recent Jour­nal of Forestry arti­cle demon­strates the ratio­nale for these roll­backs and attacks is base­less. Even with­out fur­ther ​stream­lin­ing process­es,” the For­est Ser­vice approved over 80% of projects between 2005 – 2018 by cat­e­gor­i­cal­ly exclud­ing them from envi­ron­men­tal analy­sis. The same study also showed that less than 1% of all projects were chal­lenged in court.

Of course, this admin­is­tra­tion and indus­try pro­po­nents would nev­er let facts change their sto­ry, espe­cial­ly when it plays on people’s fears and hopes. For years, those opposed to pub­lic land pro­tec­tion keep weav­ing nos­tal­gic hints of return­ing to the good ol’ days when the mills were hum­ming and the log­ging trucks filled with big trees, all the while know­ing eco­nom­ics and automa­tion make this impos­si­ble. At the same time, they use fear of wild­fires as cov­er for indus­tri­al log­ging, side­step­ping the real­i­ty that cli­mate change and the his­toric drought grip­ping much of the West increas­es wild­fire risks far more than cut­ting trees will ever address. The wild­fires we see today match­es what cli­mate sci­ence tells us. If we tru­ly want to see few­er large-scale wild­fires, then we need to stop burn­ing fos­sil fuels and do more to pre­serve intact, mature forests. Fur­ther, it is hubris to believe, and irre­spon­si­ble to pur­port, that tim­ber har­vest will pre­vent wild­fires. No one talks about hur­ri­cane-proof­ing the Gulf Coast, or tor­na­do-proof­ing Okla­homa, but the For­est Ser­vice sug­gests if giv­en enough lat­i­tude it can reduce for­est fires — though the degree of which is left to the public’s imag­i­na­tion and that’s the point.

Ulti­mate­ly, Sec­re­tary Per­due and the Trump admin­is­tra­tion believe nation­al forests are lit­tle more than crops and the best, high­est use for pub­lic lands is to exploit them with more log­ging, graz­ing, min­ing and drilling. The fact is, nation­al forests and pub­lic lands are com­plex, liv­ing ecosys­tems with inher­ent val­ue that deserves our moral con­sid­er­a­tion. These pub­lic lands are homes to griz­zly bears, moun­tain goats, elk, trout, salmon and a whole host of oth­er icon­ic wildlife species. Their sur­vival depends on us, and we need to be bet­ter envi­ron­men­tal cit­i­zens with our non-human neighbors.

Amer­i­ca does need a ​mod­ern­iza­tion blue­print” for the future of nation­al forests, one that re-envi­sions their pur­pose so we can move beyond view­ing forests sim­ply as sources of lum­ber. In the 21st cen­tu­ry, we need to strength­en for­est pro­tec­tion, max­i­mize the abil­i­ty of nation­al forests to serve as part of nat­ur­al cli­mate change solu­tions, and heal the scars left from decades of exploita­tion through true restora­tion, which can­not be done with a chainsaw.

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Adam Rissien | Radio Free (2020-08-29T19:46:00+00:00) Sorry Sonny: National Forests Are Not Crops – Secretary of Agriculture Perdue has prioritized logging, mining and grazing on the National Forests that shelter many threatened species.. Retrieved from

" » Sorry Sonny: National Forests Are Not Crops – Secretary of Agriculture Perdue has prioritized logging, mining and grazing on the National Forests that shelter many threatened species.." Adam Rissien | Radio Free - Saturday August 29, 2020,
Adam Rissien | Radio Free Saturday August 29, 2020 » Sorry Sonny: National Forests Are Not Crops – Secretary of Agriculture Perdue has prioritized logging, mining and grazing on the National Forests that shelter many threatened species.., viewed ,<>
Adam Rissien | Radio Free - » Sorry Sonny: National Forests Are Not Crops – Secretary of Agriculture Perdue has prioritized logging, mining and grazing on the National Forests that shelter many threatened species.. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from:
" » Sorry Sonny: National Forests Are Not Crops – Secretary of Agriculture Perdue has prioritized logging, mining and grazing on the National Forests that shelter many threatened species.." Adam Rissien | Radio Free - Accessed .
" » Sorry Sonny: National Forests Are Not Crops – Secretary of Agriculture Perdue has prioritized logging, mining and grazing on the National Forests that shelter many threatened species.." Adam Rissien | Radio Free [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
» Sorry Sonny: National Forests Are Not Crops – Secretary of Agriculture Perdue has prioritized logging, mining and grazing on the National Forests that shelter many threatened species. | Adam Rissien | Radio Free | |

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