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This Amazon Grocery Runner Has Risked Her Job to Fight for Better Safety Measures – Courtenay Brown knows she could be on the streets if she loses her job at an Amazon Fresh unit. She’s speaking out about scant Covid-19 safety measures and lack of workplace benefits anyway.

Courte­nay Brown spends her day mak­ing gro­cery runs for oth­ers in a foot­ball-field-sized maze of nar­row aisles and refrig­er­at­ed enclaves. At the Ama­zon Fresh unit in a Newark, New Jer­sey ful­fill­ment cen­ter, she works on the out­bound ship dock, help­ing direct the load­ing of trucks and send them off on local deliv­ery routes. Brown says that after near­ly three years at the e‑tail empire, her job has been ​hell.”

Imag­ine a real­ly intense work­out, like you just got off of the tread­mill, no cool down, no noth­ing,” she describes one espe­cial­ly gru­el­ing day with a resigned laugh. ​That’s how my legs felt.”

Ama­zon Fresh employ­ees often have to comb through huge stocks of var­i­ous chilled and frozen items, which means they need to wear full win­ter clothes to work. The stress and phys­i­cal exhaus­tion of the job tends to wear out many new hires with­in their first few days. ​You don’t have that many that have last­ed here,” she says. ​It’s so hard.”

With the pan­dem­ic keep­ing con­sumers indoors, Ama­zon gro­cery sales have rough­ly tripled in the sec­ond quar­ter over last year. The num­ber of deliv­ery trucks mov­ing in and out of the Newark ful­fill­ment cen­ter has jumped accordingly.

Every day I come in, it’s just more and more and more and more,” Brown says. ​Lit­er­al­ly every day we break the pre­vi­ous day’s record for the total num­ber of routes that went out for the entire day.”

Once we get home [from work], the only thing we can do is show­er and dis­in­fect,” she con­tin­ues. ​A lot of us [are] too exhaust­ed to eat. We pass out. Then we repeat the process the fol­low­ing day.” Some cowork­ers have end­ed up over­sleep­ing, she adds, and ​end up miss­ing the whole day.”

For its part, an Ama­zon spokesper­son wrote in an email that while some jobs at Ama­zon Fresh are phys­i­cal­ly tax­ing, work­ers can choose less stren­u­ous labor.

Imag­ine your stan­dard nor­mal super­mar­ket aisle, [then] cut that in half,” she observes. ​You’re expect­ed to go through that aisle with oth­er peo­ple stock­ing the shelves, or clean­ing… it’s real­ly, real­ly, real­ly cramped.”

Ama­zon boasts mak­ing 150 oper­a­tional changes dur­ing the pan­dem­ic that include dis­trib­ut­ing mil­lions of masks at work­sites, adding thou­sands of jan­i­to­r­i­al staff, and rede­ploy­ing some per­son­nel to help enforce social dis­tanc­ing rules. While it has imple­ment­ed social-dis­tanc­ing rules, and even pro­vides an elec­tron­ic mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem to help keep work­ers sev­er­al feet apart on the ware­house floor, Brown says work spaces are still too crowd­ed: ​It’s pret­ty much a show…Where I work on the ship dock, we’re all mashed up together.”

The tense atmos­phere has ​def­i­nite­ly changed the rela­tion­ship” among work­ers, she con­tends. Her fel­low employ­ees were friend­lier before, but now ​a lot of peo­ple snap at each oth­er a bit more.”

The threat of COVID-19 has only added to the psy­cho­log­i­cal bur­den. ​When the pan­dem­ic first start­ed, I remem­ber a lot of us were watch­ing the news,” Brown reflects. ​I was talk­ing to man­agers and try­ing to get them [to lis­ten]. ​Hey, you know, this is going on and we might want to start prepar­ing.’ And they [were] just [act­ing] like it [was] not that big of a deal. Peo­ple are dying, and it’s not that big of a deal?”

Although Ama­zon even­tu­al­ly enact­ed safe­ty mea­sures, Brown says she and her col­leagues spent ​months com­plain­ing” about what they saw as sub­stan­dard pro­tec­tions, includ­ing inad­e­quate safe­ty gear and social-dis­tanc­ing mea­sures. An Ama­zon spokesper­son main­tains the com­pa­ny moved to pro­tect its work­ers at the out­set of the pan­dem­ic, and that masks were dis­trib­uted in ear­ly April.

But Brown bris­tles at the com­pa­ny’s claims, say­ing the response was slow and devoid of trans­paren­cy. Work­ers were espe­cial­ly upset, she recalls, when they received news of a COVID-19 infec­tion at their site two weeks after the indi­vid­ual had report­ed­ly tak­en ill.

Even­tu­al­ly, Brown con­nect­ed with oth­er Ama­zon orga­niz­ers through an online peti­tion cir­cu­lat­ed by the advo­ca­cy net­work Unit­ed for Respect. Ear­li­er this year, she began work­ing with the Athena coali­tion to pres­sure Ama­zon to rein­state some work­er pro­tec­tions that were insti­tut­ed ear­li­er on in the pan­dem­ic and then dis­con­tin­ued. The work­ers are demand­ing the restora­tion of ​haz­ard pay” for ful­fill­ment-cen­ter work­ers, as well as unlim­it­ed unpaid leave for those who opt to stay home to pro­tect their health. (Over the objec­tions of its work­force, Ama­zon end­ed unlim­it­ed unpaid leave and scrapped its $2 hourly ​incen­tive” bonus in May.) The coali­tion is also push­ing for more trans­paren­cy in the report­ing of new cas­es, so man­age­ment will ​actu­al­ly tell us the truth about the num­bers of peo­ple that are sick.”

In April, Brown par­tic­i­pat­ed in a media con­fer­ence call with Sen. Cory Book­er, D‑N.J., to pro­mote an Essen­tial Work­ers Bill of Rights that would beef up health and safe­ty pro­tec­tions, pro­vide child­care sup­port and uni­ver­sal paid leave poli­cies, and pro­tect whistle­blow­ers. More recent­ly, she was fea­tured in a New York Times video about the work­ing con­di­tions at Ama­zon. She claims her pub­lic cam­paign­ing has drawn the ire of management.

I’m harassed every day, all day,” she says. One safe­ty super­vi­sor in par­tic­u­lar is ​just watch­ing” to see if she vio­lates the company’s social-dis­tanc­ing rules.

Brown recalls a recent inci­dent in which she was speak­ing casu­al­ly with some co-work­ers about safe­ty issues when the super­vi­sor inter­vened, shout­ing at them to keep six feet apart. Although they were all main­tain­ing their dis­tance, she says, ​he [yelled], ​you’re in a group!’” They answered, ​Yeah, but we’re all six feet apart from each oth­er with our masks on.” But she says the man­ag­er nonethe­less threat­ened to write them up and warned they could be terminated.

Ama­zon has stat­ed that it oppos­es retal­i­a­tion against employ­ees who voice their con­cerns about work­ing con­di­tions. But like oth­er Ama­zon orga­niz­ers, Brown believes her treat­ment reflects a broad­er cam­paign aimed at dis­suad­ing employ­ees from organizing.

What they’ll do is they’ll find an indi­vid­ual, and they’ll kind of make an exam­ple of you. And that scares every­body else,” she says. Her obser­va­tions are affirmed by a recent Open Mar­kets Insti­tute report that finds that Ama­zon has used sophis­ti­cat­ed work­place sur­veil­lance tac­tics to intim­i­date and sup­press work­ers who seek to union­ize or chal­lenge the company’s labor practices.

Ama­zon has denied charges of employ­ee sur­veil­lance, dis­miss­ing the Open Mar­kets Insti­tute as ​a peren­ni­al crit­ic that will­ful­ly ignores” the com­pa­ny’s record of cre­at­ing jobs with ​indus­try lead­ing wages and ben­e­fits.” The com­pa­ny claims that it does eval­u­ate work­ers’ per­for­mance ​over a long peri­od of time,” and pro­vides under-per­form­ing work­ers with ​ded­i­cat­ed coach­ing to help them improve.”

Brown, mean­while, is ded­i­cat­ed to improv­ing her work­place. This is not the first time she has faced hos­tile cir­cum­stances, both inside the Ama­zon ware­house and out. For a stretch in 2018, she had to live in a motel with her sis­ter, who also works at Ama­zon, because the two could not secure a rental apart­ment with the wages they were earn­ing deliv­er­ing food for the cor­po­rate behe­moth. ​We were lit­er­al­ly starv­ing,” she says. ​We weren’t mak­ing enough to be able to pay for the room, eat, and make it to and from work.”

Giv­en the dan­gers of speak­ing out, Brown some­times won­ders if she might end up home­less again. But she’s less fear­ful about los­ing her job than she is about the health haz­ards she faces every day as she fights to hold her employ­er account­able. ​It’s real­ly ter­ri­fy­ing,” she says, ​but if I don’t do this, then I could poten­tial­ly get sick and die.”

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Michelle Chen and Molly Crabapple | Radio Free (2020-10-08T12:00:00+00:00) This Amazon Grocery Runner Has Risked Her Job to Fight for Better Safety Measures – Courtenay Brown knows she could be on the streets if she loses her job at an Amazon Fresh unit. She’s speaking out about scant Covid-19 safety measures and lack of workplace benefits anyway.. Retrieved from

" » This Amazon Grocery Runner Has Risked Her Job to Fight for Better Safety Measures – Courtenay Brown knows she could be on the streets if she loses her job at an Amazon Fresh unit. She’s speaking out about scant Covid-19 safety measures and lack of workplace benefits anyway.." Michelle Chen and Molly Crabapple | Radio Free - Thursday October 8, 2020,
Michelle Chen and Molly Crabapple | Radio Free Thursday October 8, 2020 » This Amazon Grocery Runner Has Risked Her Job to Fight for Better Safety Measures – Courtenay Brown knows she could be on the streets if she loses her job at an Amazon Fresh unit. She’s speaking out about scant Covid-19 safety measures and lack of workplace benefits anyway.., viewed ,<>
Michelle Chen and Molly Crabapple | Radio Free - » This Amazon Grocery Runner Has Risked Her Job to Fight for Better Safety Measures – Courtenay Brown knows she could be on the streets if she loses her job at an Amazon Fresh unit. She’s speaking out about scant Covid-19 safety measures and lack of workplace benefits anyway.. [Internet]. [Accessed ]. Available from:
" » This Amazon Grocery Runner Has Risked Her Job to Fight for Better Safety Measures – Courtenay Brown knows she could be on the streets if she loses her job at an Amazon Fresh unit. She’s speaking out about scant Covid-19 safety measures and lack of workplace benefits anyway.." Michelle Chen and Molly Crabapple | Radio Free - Accessed .
" » This Amazon Grocery Runner Has Risked Her Job to Fight for Better Safety Measures – Courtenay Brown knows she could be on the streets if she loses her job at an Amazon Fresh unit. She’s speaking out about scant Covid-19 safety measures and lack of workplace benefits anyway.." Michelle Chen and Molly Crabapple | Radio Free [Online]. Available: [Accessed: ]
» This Amazon Grocery Runner Has Risked Her Job to Fight for Better Safety Measures – Courtenay Brown knows she could be on the streets if she loses her job at an Amazon Fresh unit. She’s speaking out about scant Covid-19 safety measures and lack of workplace benefits anyway. | Michelle Chen and Molly Crabapple | Radio Free | |

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