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WASHINGTON – After months of making wildly inaccurate claims about fracking, Donald Trump came up short with Pennsylvania voters.

Food & Water Action Pennsylvania Organizing Manager Megan McDonough issued the following statement:

“For months, Donald Trump desperately tried to weaponize a ban on fracking in order to win votes in Pennsylvania. He routinely lied about the number of workers in the fracking industry, exaggerated the role of fracking to the state’s economy, and had nothing to say about the communities that have been harmed by fossil fuel drilling and fracking waste. 

“The fact that Trump’s ploy was a failure tells us that voters in Pennsylvania are tired of being told that they must sacrifice their health and safety for the sake of jobs.

“Contrary to Trump’s delusional portrait, the fracking industry has been in decline for years. Debt-ridden drilling companies have been shedding jobs across the state, and Wall Street investors have grown tired of losing money on a dubious business model that only works for fossil fuel CEOs.

“The real story about fracking in Pennsylvania is the deep resistance to fossil fuel exploitation. Communities have come together to fight new fracking wells and dangerous pipelines. Their leaders have run for political office — and won — by promising to fight corporate polluters. In fact, the caucus of state legislators explicitly calling for the phasing out of fracking grew substantially with the 2020 election. Those of us close to the ground in Pennsylvania can tell you that the debate over fracking has nothing to do with Donald Trump’s losing strategy. What we see is a determined opposition movement that is fighting for a better future for workers, the climate and their communities.”