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WASHINGTON – Following the Parliamentarian’s ruling to remove the $15 minimum wage in the reconciliation process, Evan Weber, Political Director of the Sunrise Movement, released the following statement:

“The statements by the Biden Administration that they will not overturn the parliamentarian’s cruel decision—which Vice President Harris and Senate Leadership have the power to do— is deeply troubling. Working people in this country, labor unions, and activists have been putting their jobs and lives on the line, striking, organizing, and fighting tirelessly for a $15 minimum wage and union. We are glad to see House Leadership commit to keeping the $15 min wage in their bill. Now, we need the Biden administration and Senate Democrats to join them in this fight, which is not over, and do everything in their power—overrule the parliamentarian, fire them, abolish the filibuster—to ensure that no less than a $15 minimum wage becomes the law of the land.

“Most Americans do not give a shit about and have never heard of the ‘Byrd rule.’ What will happen next if the parliamentarian rules a 100% Clean Energy Standard—another key Biden promise—is in violation of the arbitrary Byrd rule? Will the President, Vice President, and Senate Leadership buckle then? The laws of the atmosphere and physics—that are telling us we are in a full-blown climate emergency—are certainly not going to give a shit about the made-up laws of the Senate. 

“From inequality to the climate crisis, our country and its people are in a state of emergency and in desperate need of action. Where is the urgency from our supposed leaders?”