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WASHINGTON – Today at 10 a.m. EST, the U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration will hold a hearing on the For the People Act (S.1), a sweeping package of legislation that will crack down on political corruption in both parties and strengthen our democracy.

Trevor Potter, President of Campaign Legal Center (CLC) and Republican former chairman of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), released his congressional testimony to the Senate Rules Committee before his appearance as an expert witness.

His testimony focuses on the bipartisan nature of S. 1 and three critical components of the For the People Act:

  1. Overhauling the Federal Election Commission.
  2. Ending dark money.
  3. Advancing ordinary Americans’ First Amendment rights to have their voices heard in political campaigns.

In this testimony Potter stated: “Historically when the country has confronted challenges to our democracy, Republicans and Democrats have come together to craft solutions. American democracy is again in need of repair, and I would hope that lawmakers from both parties can come together to enact needed reforms right now. The consequences of inaction are too great.”

Enacting the For the People Act would mark a major step toward achieving a democracy that is transparent, responsive and accountable to the American people. S.1 is drawn from bills with long bipartisan support and has the support of 67% of Americans across the political spectrum. Many elected officials have pledged to prioritize democracy reform, and they should make good on their promise.


[1] S.1, the For the People Act | U.S. Senate Committee on Rules and Administration ➤[2] Statement of Trevor Potter, Founder and President Campaign Legal Center, Before the  Senate Rules and Administration Committee Hearing on S. 1, the For the People Act | Campaign Legal Center ➤