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April 21, 2022

Jacob Hornberger
The Deferentials
Sam Husseini
Was Imran Khan Trying to Address the Plunder of Poor Countries by the Wealthy?

April 20, 2022

Alfred W. McCoy
How to End the War in Ukraine: a Solution Beyond Sanctions
Michael Barker
Do Cars Dream of an Electric Future?
Lee Hall
Elon Musk’s Twitter Takeover Drama: A Hand Overplayed?
Daniel Falcone
The Politics of the Russo-Ukrainian War Part, Revisited: Q&A with Lawrence Davidson and Stephen Zunes
Chris Orlet
Student Loan Forgiveness is Not a Working Class Priority
Ed Grystar
The Amazon Labor Union Victory – Lessons for All of Labor
Thomas Klikauer – Meg Young
Old Nazi and New Conspiracy Fantasies
Dean Baker
Corruption in Drug Patents: Take Away the Money
Seth Adler
How Socialists Can Avoid Dividing and Conquering Themselves Over Race vs Class Embroilments
Jim Kavanagh
Ukraine Negotiation Kabuki
Linda Ford
Young Women Athletes as Enemies of Empire: Kamila Valieva and Eileen Gu
Iain Boyd
How Hypersonic Weapons Work
George Wuerthner
Restoring the Grizzly to the Southwest: Aldo Leopold’s Escudilla, Revisited
George Ochenski
Montana Never Was a Coal State, But It’s Now a Legal Pot State

April 19, 2022

Patrick Cockburn
The Forces Pushing Asylum Seekers to Cross the English Channel are Poorly Understood
Roger McKenzie – Vijay Prashad
Now is the Time for Nonalignment and Peace
Sam Pizzigati
How Rich Are the Richest Americans? Much Richer Than We Thought
Patrick Mazza
The Sickness of Unlimited Expansion
Eric Draitser
The Truth of the “People’s Republics” of Donbas
Ramzy Baroud
‘Towards a Multipolar World Order’: Is This the End of US Hegemony?
Sonali Kolhatkar
Anti-Abortionists Played the Long Game, and They Are Winning
Thomas Knapp
Abbott’s Border Antics: An Airtight Case for Under-Used and Over-Used Constitutional Clauses
Lawrence Wittner
Military and Economic Power Once Again Fail to Produce Happiness
April M. Short
Societies Can Prevent Wars From Starting and the Future of Humanity Requires Peace
Dean Baker
Repealing Section 230 to Downsize Facebook and Twitter
William Gomes
Has the Catholic Church Failed in its Efforts to Eradicate Racism? 

April 18, 2022

Ariela Ruiz Caro
Latin America, the Caribbean and the War in Ukraine
Julia Gledhill – William D. Hartung
How Pentagon Contractors Are Cashing in on the Ukraine Crisis
Robert Hunziker
Climate Change is Killing Trees
Binoy Kampmark
The China “Threat” and the Solomon Islands
Michael Carrigan - Peter Bergel
Tax Day and the Fate of the Earth
Michael Welton
Habermas on the Kantian Vision of Perpetual Peace
Mark Muhich
The Non-Proliferation Treaty, Joe Biden and the Nuclear Taboo
Maria Paez Victor
Heroic Venezuela
Ralph Nader
Consumer Protection Progress and Regress – From the Sixties to No
Manuel Perez-Rocha
Ousted Pakistani Leader, Imran Khan, Was Challenging Investment Treaties That Give Corporations Excessive Power
Urariano Mota
Brazil’s Parallel Reality
Michael Galant
Righting the Record: Claims that SDRs “Help US Enemies” Are Baseless
Victor Matheson
Why the Buffalo Bills Stadium Deal is One of the Worst Ever Made
George Wuerthner
Mosquitoes and Wildfires: How To Live With Both

Weekend Edition
April 15, 2022
Friday - Sunday

Richard Falk
Stop the Geopolitical War Now
Jeffrey St. Clair
Roaming Charges: The Windfalls of War
Philippe Marlière
A Le Pen Presidency Was Not a Possibility Before. It is Now.

This content originally appeared on and was authored by CounterPunch Editors.

