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World in Danger

July 06, 2022Melvin GoodmanMoscow’s War In Ukraine vs. Washington’s “Special Military Operation”Kenneth SurinVirginia’s Chameleon-Like Republican GovernorThomas KlikauerGermany’s Super-RichAlex Kotch – Maria BustillosMedia Outlets Must Stop Making Ads …

July 06, 2022

Melvin Goodman
Moscow’s War In Ukraine vs. Washington’s “Special Military Operation”
Kenneth Surin
Virginia’s Chameleon-Like Republican Governor
Thomas Klikauer
Germany’s Super-Rich
Alex Kotch - Maria Bustillos
Media Outlets Must Stop Making Ads for Fossil Fuel Companies
Kenn Orphan
American Nightmare
Arturo Desimone
What Would a Progressive European Foreign Policy Look Like? Towards a Manifesto
Binoy Kampmark
The Major Questions Doctrine: The US Supreme Court Blunts the EPA
Winslow Myers
The Lost Conversation
Celine-Marie Pascale
Why the Language We Use to Talk About Inequality, Power, and Class Matters
George Ochenski
Cassidy Hutchinson, a True Patriot
Jacob G. Hornberger
Coming Full Circle With a Renewed Cold War Racket

July 05, 2022

Judy Gumbo
My Body, Myself
Patrick Mazza
Ditch the Constitution and Start Over: When a Government Becomes Destructive of the Rights of the People
Vijay Prashad
The United States Contests the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative with a Private Corporation
Suzanne Gordon, Steve Early and Jasper Craven
Warriors@Amazon: How Bezos and His Company Wrap Themselves in the Flag
Ted Franklin
Don’t Look to EPA to Save Us!
John V. Walsh
Covid deaths in the US (over 1 million) and China (about 5000)
Binoy Kampmark
Terms of Condescension: The Language of Australia’s “Pacific Family”
David Swanson
If Democrats Didn’t Suck
Julia Godfrey, Julia Yixia Cai and Shawn Fremstad
Lack of Universal Childcare and Other Family Benefits Hurts LGBT Parents and Caregivers

July 04, 2022

Patrick Cockburn
The Mass Ethnic Cleansing of Syrian Kurds is Collateral Damage From the War in Ukraine
Fred Gardner
The Prankster Stops Laughing
Chris Orlet
Blue MAGA’s Big Lie
Paul Street
Happy July Farce: An American Revolution Would be a Good Idea
Sam Pizzigati
Tax the Rich, House the Homeless
Kenneth Roth
Biden’s Meeting With MBS Risks Becoming a Gift to an Autocrat
Doug Anderson
Evoking the Unspeakable
Ramzy Baroud - Romana Rubeo
Chomsky on Israeli Apartheid, Celebrity Activists, BDS and the One-State Solution
Dean Baker
People Are Not Spending Down Their Savings, Revisited
Robert Koehler
Growing Up
George Wuerthner
The Key Impacts of Livestock Production Upon the Land
Ralph Nader
How Can Dictators Control So Many Millions of People?
John Kendall Hawkins
Sonnet for Independence Day
CounterPunch News Service
New Legal Settlement Protects Coyotes, Wolves in Idaho

Weekend Edition
July 01, 2022
Friday - Sunday

Paul Street
Illegitimate and Lethal
Jeffrey St. Clair
Roaming Charges: Whatd’Ya Expect Us to Do About It?
Joseph Grosso
In Deep Water: Shipping in the Global Economy
Eve Ottenberg
Abolish the CIA
Stephen F. Eisenman
“A Fancy Piece of Homicide” at the U.S. Supreme Court
Robert Hunziker
US Marine Press Takes on Hothouse Earth
Vijay Prashad
The United States Extends Its Military Reach Into Zambia
Eric Draitser
The Russia-Ukraine Battle Over Black Sea
Ramzy Baroud
Palestinians ‘Are Not Animals in a Zoo’
Kathy Deacon
Electromagnetic Fields Forever
Thomas Knapp
Don’t Expand NATO, Disband It

This content originally appeared on and was authored by CounterPunch Editors.

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