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Seg3 naomiklein

Egypt is preparing to host world leaders next month at the U.N.’s annual climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, a move that prominent environmentalist and author Naomi Klein calls “greenwashing.” While the government embraces superficial causes to mitigate climate change such as recycling or solar panels, “what is not welcome would be pointing out this enormous lucrative network of deals that the military itself is engaged in that are linked to fossil fuels, that are linked to destroying remaining green space in cities like Cairo,” says Klein. She adds that the international community should seize the opportunity to pressure Egypt into releasing its imprisoned political prisoners, who face brutal conditions.

This content originally appeared on Democracy Now! and was authored by Democracy Now!.


[1] Egypt’s Carceral Climate Summit: Naomi Klein on the Crisis of COP27 Being Held in a Police State | Democracy Now! ➤