Today, Representatives Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14), Sydney Kamlager-Dove (D-CA-37), and Deborah Ross (D-NC-2) introduced the CLEAN Energy Act and NOW Acts. These bills repeal harmful provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act that tie renewable energy investments to oil and gas lease sales. These provisions have received staunch pushback from environmental groups for forcing new renewable energy development to prop up outdated dirty energy technologies.
Nicole Ghio, Senior Fossil Fuels Program Manager at Friends of the Earth, issued the following statement in response:
We applaud today’s bills introduced by Representatives Ocasio-Cortez, Kamlager-Dove and Ross. The public has had enough of backroom deals that benefit Big Oil, like those that tethered clean energy to fossil fuels in the Inflation Reduction Act. By unshackling renewables from dirty energy, the CLEAN Energy and NOW Acts ensure decisions are based on sound science and economics, not political favor. We encourage environmental champions in Congress to support these bills.
This content originally appeared on Common Dreams and was authored by Newswire Editor.