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As the cost of the climate crisis continues to rise and climate justice groups demand more government action to halt the heating of the planet, we speak with policy expert Rhiana Gunn-Wright, one of the architects of the Green New Deal. She says the Inflation Reduction Act championed by President Biden, which is the largest climate bill in U.S. history, has many provisions that “structurally leave out Black people.” She urges a more inclusive green transition that centers the needs of communities of color. “There is an increasing sort of narrative about the tension between justice and urgency that’s presenting a false choice.” Gunn-Wright’s latest essay, published in the new digital magazine Hammer & Hope, is titled “Our Green Transition May Leave Black People Behind.”

This content originally appeared on Democracy Now! and was authored by Democracy Now!.


[1] Green New Deal Architect Rhiana Gunn-Wright Warns the Green Transition May Leave Black People Behind | Democracy Now! ➤