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Seg3 fuel harjeet

Climate activist Harjeet Singh joins us for an update on the U.N. climate summit in Dubai, where fossil fuel lobbyists outnumber many countries’ delegations. “It is deeply, deeply problematic to see how fossil fuel lobbyists are taking over these climate talks,” he says, noting that climate activists’ fears of an industry takeover of the world’s foremost gathering for climate governance appear to have come true. “We can’t just allow fossil fuel industry to define what is going to happen here,” Singh warns, as financial interests continue to divert political energy away from decarbonization. Singh is the head of global political strategy with Climate Action Network and works on the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, a global initiative to phase out fossil fuels and support a just transition.

This content originally appeared on Democracy Now! and was authored by Democracy Now!.


[1] Big Oil’s Takeover of U.N. Climate Summit Decried by Activists Fighting for Fossil Fuel Phaseout | Democracy Now! ➤