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Countries imprisoning journalists in 2023


Countries with deaths in 2023


Attacks on the Press in 2023


Attacks on journalists’ lives and liberty remained at near record-levels in 2023, with the Committee to Protect Journalists documenting 320 journalists imprisoned for their work as of the December 1 date of its annual prison census — near the global all-time high of more than 360 a year earlier. Israel made a rapid ascent on the 2023 list, becoming the sixth-worst jailer of journalists after the start of the Israel-Gaza war on October 7.

Interactive map by Geoff McGhee for CPJ

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Attacks on journalists’ lives and liberty remained at near record-levels in 2023, with the Committee to Protect Journalists documenting 320 journalists imprisoned for their work as of the December 1 date of its annual prison census — near the global all-time high of more than 360 a year earlier. Israel made a rapid ascent on the 2023 list, becoming the sixth-worst jailer of journalists after the start of the Israel-Gaza war on October 7.

Interactive map by Geoff McGhee for CPJ

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Journalists imprisoned in 2023

The year’s top five jailers of journalists are China, Myanmar, Belarus, Russia, and Vietnam, respectively. More than 65% of imprisoned journalists in the census face anti-state charges, such as false news and terrorism, in retaliation for their work. Many in the census are jailed without being told of charges against them, and often face cruel and dangerous prison conditions.

This map shows the countries imprisoning journalists in 2023.

Read about our methodology

Journalists imprisoned in 2023

The year’s top five jailers of journalists are China, Myanmar, Belarus, Russia, and Vietnam, respectively. More than 65% of imprisoned journalists in the census face anti-state charges, such as false news and terrorism, in retaliation for their work. Many in the census are jailed without being told of charges against them, and often face cruel and dangerous prison conditions.

This map shows the countries imprisoning journalists in 2023.

Read about our methodology

Imprisonments by country

Click on countries in the list at left to see journalists imprisoned in 2023.


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Imprisonments by country

Click on countries in the list below to see journalists imprisoned in 2023.


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China – #1 in 2023

China has been a top jailer of journalists for many years. Its tight censorship of the media and high rates of imprisoning those who speak out make it especially difficult to assess the exact number of journalists in its prisons. Inmates are sent to political re-education camps or simply kept in prison after sentences end. China’s intolerance for independent reporting, along with similar repression in neighboring countries, has made Asia the region with the highest number of jailed journalists–107 of the global total of 320.


Myanmar – #2 in 2023

Myanmar catapulted into CPJ’s census rankings as the world’s second-worst jailer of journalists in 2021, when a February military coup ousted the country’s elected government and cracked down on coverage of the new regime. The number of jailed journalists has been on the rise since then, from 30 in 2021, to 42 in 2022, and now, to 43, as the regime continues to arrest journalists, shutter news outlets and force members of the media into exile.


Belarus – #3 in 2023

Belarus held 28 journalists in custody on December 1 – up from 26 last year, and 19 in 2021. The majority face anti-state charges, with almost half serving sentences of five years or more. Belarus uses “extremism” laws as a weapon to jail journalists, with five of seven new Belarus prisoners in the census accused of some form of extremism. Arrests in recent years have taken place against the backdrop of President Aleksandr Lukashenko’s ongoing vindictiveness against those covering the aftermath of his disputed 2020 election.


Russia – #4 in 2023

As it has intensified efforts to stifle free reporting, Russia has moved into the top five worst jailers of journalists in 2023. With the country’s independent media gutted following its full scale February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Moscow is continuing efforts to criminalize journalism beyond its borders by issuing arrest warrants and prison sentences for prominent journalists working in exile. Russia also holds a disproportionate number of foreign reporters in its jails. Twelve of the census’ global total of 17 non-local imprisoned journalists are held by Russia.


Vietnam — #5 in 2023

Vietnam continues to impose harsh sentences, and harsh prison conditions, on journalists, many of whom are convicted for what the government claims are anti-state crimes. CPJ research found journalists in Vietnamese prisons have been denied necessities such as food, electricity and medical care.

















CPJ’s annual prison census accounts only for journalists in government custody and does not include those who have disappeared or are held captive by non-state actors. These cases are classified as “missing” or “abducted.”

CPJ’s list is a snapshot of those incarcerated at 12:01 a.m. on December 1, 2023. It does not include the many journalists imprisoned and released throughout the year. CPJ includes only those journalists who it has confirmed have been imprisoned in relation to their work. Journalists remain on CPJ’s list until the organization determines with reasonable certainty that they have been released or have died in custody.

CPJ maintains a database of all journalists killed since 1992 and those who have gone missing or are imprisoned for their work.

A note on the map

The map reflects that CPJ holds Russian authorities responsible for press freedom violations in Ukraine’s Crimea after Russia’s 2014 annexation of the peninsula led to de facto control of its media sphere.

This content originally appeared on Committee to Protect Journalists and was authored by Committee to Protect Journalists.


[1] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[2] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[3] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[4] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[5] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[6] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[7] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[8] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[9] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[10] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[11] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[12] ➤[13][14] Geoff McGhee ➤[15] Geoff McGhee ➤[16] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[17] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[18] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[19] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[20] Attacks on the Press in 2021 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[21] Attacks on the Press in 2021 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[22] Attacks on the Press in 2020 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[23] Attacks on the Press in 2020 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[24] Explore CPJ's database of attacks on the press ➤[25] Explore CPJ's database of attacks on the press ➤;motiveUnconfirmed%5B%5D=Unconfirmed&%23038;type%5B%5D=Journalist&%23038;type%5B%5D=Media%20Worker&%23038;start_year=1992&%23038;end_year=2023&%23038;group_by=year[26] Explore CPJ's database of attacks on the press ➤;end_year=2023&%23038;group_by=location[27] Number of jailed journalists spikes to new global record - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[28] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[29] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[30] Attacks on the Press in 2023 - Committee to Protect Journalists ➤[31][32]