Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha and Congress MP Rahul Gandhi recently visited relief camps in the violence-hit state of Manipur. During his visit, Gandhi urged Prime Minister Modi to visit the state, “listen to the people of Manipur, and try to understand what is going on.”
Following his visit, several Right-wing influencers began circulating an ANI clip on social media, alleging that Gandhi was asked to leave by the residents of Manipur. RW influencer @MrSinha_, who shares pro-BJP propaganda and misinformation on social media on a regular basis, tweeted the video, claiming that locals had chanted ‘Rahul Gandhi Go Back’ slogans. He deleted his tweet soon after. Here is an archive from Google Cache.
Another Right-wing influencer, Arun Pudur, who has a verified handle on X, tweeted the same video with the same claim. He additionally claimed that the Nehru-Gandhi clan were responsible for the destruction of the northeastern Hindu tribes. He also asked if Manmohan Singh ever visited the state during his tenure. (This question was answered by Alt News in the past.) (Archive)
“Go Back Rahul” slogans echo wherever Pappu went in Manipur. People know he reignites clashes in the state to help his CCP Masters.
Pidi IT Cell will call Manipuris Bhakts now 😂
Did you know the Nehru-Gandhi clan destroyed our North Eastern Hindu tribes by blocking Sadhus… pic.twitter.com/2fDNoaBf0P
— Arun Pudur (@arunpudur) July 9, 2024
Readers should note that Arun Pudur has been found amplifying communal misinformation several times in the past.
Verified account Bala (@erbmjha), another handle that regularly shares Right-wing propaganda and misinformation, also tweeted the video with the same claim and later deleted their tweet. Below is a screen-recording of the deleted tweet.
Other users also shared the viral clip with the same claim. (Archives- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Click to view slideshow.Fact Check
Alt News found that the viral clip was posted by ANI on January 21, 2024. This shows that it is not a recent incident, as claimed. Furthermore, the incident took place in Ambagan area in Assam’s Nagaon district, and not in Manipur.
#WATCH | Assam: A large number of people carrying posters of ‘Rahul Gandhi go back’ and ‘Anyaya Yatra’ held a protest against Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in the Ambagan area of Nagaon this evening. pic.twitter.com/e4fFIwqFSa
— ANI (@ANI) January 21, 2024
Upon a keyword search, we found a PTI copy published by Deccan Herald on January 21 itself. The incident happened on the day the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra led by Gandhi reached the Nagaon district in central Assam. According to the report, Gandhi was mobbed at a roadside eatery when he and some other leaders had stopped at the restaurant at Ambagan on their way to Rupohi.
Several other media outlets, including Jagran English, NDTV and ABP Live, reported on the incident. All three reports contains frames from the viral clip.
Click to view slideshow.On the same day, other incidents of attacks were reported as well. Vehicles of Congress workers returning from the rally were allegedly attacked following which three members of the students’ wing were admitted to hospital with serious injuries. State Congress chief Bhupen Kumar Borah was also allegedly assaulted and Jairam Ramesh’s car reportedly attacked in two separate incidents in Sonitpur district, through which the rally reached Nagaon.
In response to these alleged attacks, Congress announced demonstrations across the country on January 22. Congress general secretary, organisation, K C Venugopal alleged that since the yatra’s entry in Assam, “relentless attacks on (our) convoys, properties and leaders” were carried out. The next day, Congress leaders from across the country held protests.
Thus, a video from January 21, 2024, showing Rahul Gandhi getting mobbed in the Nagaon district in Assam after the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra reached the state is currently viral after Gandhi’s recent visit to Manipur. Right-wing influencers falsely claimed that Gandhi was asked to go back by the residents of Manipur.
The post Old video from Assam peddled as ‘Go back Rahul Gandhi’ slogans in Manipur appeared first on Alt News.
This content originally appeared on Alt News and was authored by Shinjinee Majumder.
Shinjinee Majumder | Radio Free (2024-07-09T17:40:05+00:00) Old video from Assam peddled as ‘Go back Rahul Gandhi’ slogans in Manipur. Retrieved from https://www.radiofree.org/2024/07/09/old-video-from-assam-peddled-as-go-back-rahul-gandhi-slogans-in-manipur/
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