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This July, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) held its annual summit in Washington, DC, where they celebrated themselves for continuing to exist for 75 years, despite the growing opposition around the world to Western hegemony that the US, EU, and their military gang of thugs NATO carry out.

Even after months of massive and consistent protests against the genocide in Gaza, it seems inconceivable that NATO would still gather to plan the next phase in maintaining Western imperialist hegemony over the world, but this is logical and necessary for their purposes because imperialism cannot continue to rule the world without the military might of the Western powers to enforce it.

So, they had to meet to discuss the fire sale and privatization of a war-decimated Ukraine, as well as their next aggressive actions toward China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, the Sahel States in Africa, as well as their ability to meddle in Sudan, Chad, Congo, and other states on the Continent that have been resource-extraction and labor-exploitation playgrounds for global capitalists, protected by NATO and AFRICOM forces to keep the people opposed to them under control.

But there is always a radical response to this deadly status quo. Several counter-summits were organized, and members of BAP participated at every level, in planning, delivering speeches, and participating in mobilizations as part of them. Our focus has for years been to recognize NATO not as a singular entity, but as part of the US/EU/NATO AXIS OF DOMINATION that must be opposed by all liberation- and peace-minded people, and we shared that focus with the people in these events. Our resistance work continues to hold to and advance this line, as we also continue to organize with oppressed people in our communities and around the world against the deadly manifestation of NATO and its US and EU imperialist masters.

The post NATO Imperialist Insistence Will Continue to be Met with Global South Resistance first appeared on Dissident Voice.

This content originally appeared on Dissident Voice and was authored by Black Alliance for Peace.


[1] NATO Imperialist Insistence Will Continue to be Met with Global South Resistance | Dissident Voice ➤[2] Dissident Voice ➤