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Life is ephemeral. We all know that, but the end can sneak up on any of us. This is aside from the people living in war zones who face such realization each day as they cling to life. This concern for the plight of others, especially the constant humiliation, deprivation, and killing that the Palestinians faced under Israeli occupation is what stirred the ire of Angie Tibbs to plunk away at her keyboard to defend human rights for all humans over the years. Eventually it led to her becoming the senior editor of Dissident Voice.

Angie derived pleasure from the simple joys in life. Of course, there were her family and friends. She enjoyed keeping in touch with DV readers and writers, and she had a special affinity for DV’s Sunday Poetry Page which she set up and guided. She loved her cats, seeing photos and classic boats. She also enjoyed Fisherman’s Friend.

Angie leaves an indelible contribution to DV and, more importantly, to the cause of peace and social justice.

The post Angie Tibbs, Rest in Peace first appeared on Dissident Voice.

This content originally appeared on Dissident Voice and was authored by Dissident Voice Communications.


[1] Angie Tibbs, Rest in Peace | Dissident Voice ➤[2] Dissident Voice ➤