We’re a global community of volunteers organized around the goal of creating better practices for journalism and independent media for people, not profits.
We accept submissions daily
To make your first post, create an account, then click “Add a New Post” once logged in and submit the post for review when you are ready. Once you submit a post for review it will show up as “Pending” for Editors to review before approving or denying the post for publication. This process happens 24/7 365 days a year and usually doesn’t take longer than a few hours to a few days depending on the post.
Other Ways to Contribute
Print The News
We always need volunteers to print and post news in your own community. At the bottom of every news post on radiofree.org, you’ll see a “Print” button. Click that button to print that article with the standard Radio Free newspaper template- including in-line citations.
Leave copies in cafes, waiting rooms, break rooms, bookstores, trains, bulletin boards, or even on walls as wheat pastings. You can print these on regular paper with any printer and disseminate them to make a positive impact in your community.
How to get started? You don’t need anything besides a printer and a stapler. Start printing news and distributing it in your community. It’s as simple as that, and you can be a hero!

Record the News
We want everyone to get involved with creating news content. Whether it be a traditional news report, or something more creative like a song, video or visual artwork, we’ll accept it as long as its news.
To contribute a post, click on posts once you’ve logged in and then add a new post using the WordPress editor. Your submitted posts will go to a Radio Free editor for review after submission. We try to keep the review process short, but review times may vary depending on many contributing factors.
It’s easier than you think to contribute to the daily news. Anyone, of any age, of any background, at any skill level can contribute an article. We only require passionate, thoughtful people who can share their perspectives of the world with others.
We are always in need of web and app developers to volunteer by building opensource tools for journalists. If you’d like to volunteer on our tech team, email info@radiofree.org and just include a short introduction and let us know how you can help.
Translating and transcribing the news is one of the easiest ways to get started. If you speak multiple languages, we would love your help translating news posts and pages on our website to another language. At the bottom of each post, click on the “Translate” button to add a new translation in any language of an existing post. This helps us make content available to more people and can be used as a great class project.
Designing Tools for Journalism
Our team builds and designs everything from facial recognition software that helps artists confront border patrol, to affordable wireless microphone transmitters for reporters to use in the field, to FM and AM radio transmitters for LPFM stations and much more.
We need help designing the tools of the future. Everything we build is opensource, and maintained by volunteers.
Got an idea for something we probably need help with but haven’t listed here? Email info@radiofree.org and let us know about it!

Radio Free | Radio Free (2019-12-08T19:04:00+00:00) Get Involved. Retrieved from https://www.radiofree.org/get-involved/
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